Official Alternative Music Video
In 2016, my dad had asked me if I wanted to hike the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) with him. This trail runs from the Mexican border to Canada, is 4265km (2650 ml) long and takes about six months to hike. We decided to conquer a section of it and planned on hiking through the wilderness of California for two months towards Mexico. Hiking this trail means planning your food supply in advance since you spend most of your days in the mountains, in the wilderness. You get to a town or some civilization probably around every 7-14 days. This means you will carry everything you need in your backpack. You will learn not to need anything! One shirt, one pair of socks and one pair of boxers! At first, I loved the idea of hiking the PCT, as soon as we hit the trail I was annoyed and really didn’t want to be there. It was incredibly hard and tiering. We hiked…